Tuesday, August 18, 2009

personal space

I really really dislike it when one of my coworkers comes over to my desk and opens up a drawer to get something.

It's not really my desk, I share it with another student worker who comes in on the days that I'm not there but UGH! It just sort of freaks me out to be typing away at my computer and then see a big dark something pop into my peripheral vision. On the outside I tense up a bit but on the inside I'm going "Ahhhhhhhhh!!"

I don't understand why they can't store their office supplies in their own desks? I think it's because they think of my desk as the "empty desk" or the "spare desk" since it's only used for half the day and only by us wretched student workers so I guess it doesn't matter to them.

Its just that whenever someone gets in my personal bubble I get a little irritated. I know, I know, I'm really anal and weird lol, I know I'm not normal!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

talk to strangers!

I present to you Omegle.

It's a chat service that randomly hooks you up with another person.

I've had some pretty strange/hilarious conversations, and a lot of disconnections from people in China and Korea lol. Guess it's because I tried it pretty late last night.

Also, this morning I woke up at 5:00 am from a very long, vivid dream and I just had to write it down. I left the house quickly for work when I woke up the second time so I didn't get the chance to read what I had written. But...I have a feeling it could be enough inspiration for a short story or maybe another beginning-of-a-novel-that-I-never-finish.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

lovely meryl

I saw Julie & Julia today. Honestly, is there any actress today that can rival Meryl Streep? Or any actor for that matter, the woman is absolutely amazing. The movie itself was only so-so. The Julia Child storyline was far more interesting and better acted than the Julie Powell one. Stanley Tucci was amazing as he always is, he is very underappreciated in my humble opinion. I loved the clothing (especially the blue evening dress Julia wears at one point) and the food looked absolutely delicious.

After the movie I bargained with my Dad so I could get some Burger King burger shots (they're these little mini burgers that are so cute, I couldn't resist!) In exchange for my meal I made dinner for the family. It was really simple, a pan of roasted chicken with peas, potatoes, onions, and eggplant. You just chop everything up, mix it with some pepper and salt then bathe the whole thing with tomato paste and water. Delish!

Anyways back to Meryl. She was so amazing in Doubt that I couldn't resist taking stills of the movie which I hope to make into icons and wallpapers once I get Photoshop back on my comp. Her face is so expressive and she has the ability to make you truly believe she IS Julia Child! Her voice, mannerisms, everything. Absolutley bloody amazing. Julia Child herself was a force to be reckoned with, she is someone I could definately see myself being friends with if I was alive in her time. She gives me hope that I can accomplish something too and that it is not too late to do so. And a renewed appreciation for cooking, what can be better than that?

Thursday, August 6, 2009

blogging in mah mind

It's the strangest thing but all day long I will come up with brilliant topics to blog about; things I've seen, ideas I think about, cute anecdotes from my past. But then, by the time I actually get home and get on the computer, I can't think of a single thing to post about!

I swear I could have posted tons since I've opened this account, but I only have a handful of posts to my name. Fail.

So dear readers, how do you remember what to post about during your day? And when do you usually prefer to post?

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


At the supermarket checkout counter:

Old Man: I opened it up and there were no brownies inside!

Cashier: Sir this is a box of cake mix, you have to bake them first.

Old Man: Well maybe when my wife was alive but I'm no baker!

Saturday, August 1, 2009


Ugh. I found out my Mom has gone through my stuff yesterday.

I came home from work and I was talking to her and she said "Oh I've started reading one of your books today" and I was like "What book?" and she said "That classical book...The Perfect Bride" and I was like O_O on the inside but on the outside I just nodded my head and pretended to be okay with it.

First of all, this book was on the dresser next to my bed. I know for a fact she couldn't have just randomly spotted it becuase let me tell you, my room is a MESS its very hard to come across anything in my room because its packed with magazines and papers and clothes and books everywhere.

Second, of all the books I have in my room, (and I do have a ton) she had to go for the historical romance that I got on a whim and didn't even enjoy reading. I hope she doesn't start making judgments about me.

And finally, just UGH. Why does she have to go through my stuff? Hello, I'm frickin 21 years old, I know she birthed me and all but damn, a woman needs her space! Its not like I'm hiding porno under my bed or something (I assure you I'm not!) but I just don't like the idea of someone going through my stuff.

Ok...rant over. And if you're thinking of reading the book I don't really recommend it. However a romance novel I can recommend is The Raven Prince by Elizabeth Hoyt, its well written and very enjoyable.

Peace out.

Monday, July 20, 2009


Today I went to grab a quick lunch in the middle of my workday. I only work 5 hours a day so I technically only have the right to a 15 minute break. This allows me enough time to get lunch but not to eat it, I have to eat it in quick bites while I'm working. (Stupid I know but in order to get a full hour lunch break I'd have to work 8 hours and um, well, no thank you).

So I was standing in line to order when I hear the door of the restaurant open and a man and a woman stepped in. I couldn't see them but I could hear them talking and instantly I told myself, wait isn't that the guy I knew...I turned around and yep, I had recognized the voice of this guy I used to have a class with THREE YEARS AGO.

I hadn't seen him or spoken to him since, isn't that amazing? I wonder how long our minds retain what certain people's voices sound like...and why?

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Something that made me smile: When I was getting my coffee this morning two men walked into the Starbucks talking and standing there looking important and professional. For some reason it just tickled me because even though they were both older gentlemen, sharply dressed, with folders under one arm and coffee in the other they suddenly seemed to me like two cute little boys trying to act serious but failing miserably.

Something that made me say WTF: Passing by the basketball court at the public park I saw a boy riding round and round on his bicycle singing at the top of his lungs "Hey, sexy Mamaa, hey sexy Mamaa" over and over again while his father chatted on his phone nearby. Ahhh, kids.

This week I started a new job. Its perfect for me really, nobody bothers me, I have my own desk, my co-workers are young and casual, and all I do is sit there and transcribe sound recordings. The downside is the office is located deep inside a dark, maze-like building on campus which is currently undergoing construction. This place is a serial killer's wet dream; its vast, dimly lit, leaky, the entire front is masked by huge curtains to hide ongoing construction from curious onlookers, and the hallway is outfitted with giant, floor to ceiling, iron poles for god knows what purpose. You couldn't run away from danger if you tried. I shudder to think.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Bus Stop Hobos

The library near my house is shut down for a month (waaah!) because they're moving across the street so the old building can be demolished and rebuilt. Although this is badly needed (the building is so small and cramped for all the books and people using it) I ended up having to catch the bus today to another library which is a little further off.

This other library was much bigger and MUCH better stocked than the one that I'm used to. For a book lover like me it was heaven! I felt like a kid let run in a candy store, after about half an hour I tottered over to get my stack of books checked out. I even had to buy a library bag from them so I could easily take my load home. XD

While I was waiting for the bus to go home, a grungy bearded surfer type guy sitting on the bench beside me struck up a conversation. Here we go I thought...

Dude: Hey, don't you want to sit down?
Me: Um, no thanks.
Dude: Well what if I got up would you sit down then?
Me: No...I prefer standing.
Dude: So are you from India?
Me: No I'm not.
*he makes a gesture to indicate my scarf*
Me: Thats because of my religion, not where I come from.
Dude: What religion is that?
Me: Islam.
Dude: What?
Dude: Yeah...well...I'm Christian Science...
Me: Good to know.
Dude: But I'm sort of a hypocrite because I haven't been practicing you know...I'm just sort of messed up from my childhood you know

At this point his bus comes (thank the lord) and he staggers up to wait in line but before getting on he reveals this tidbit:

Dude: Yeah you know those Jehovah Witnesses try to talk to me and all but you know when I was a kid I was molested by the television for a couple of years [Uhhh...WTF!?!] yeah...Gods a female anyways.

Oh dear me. Welcome to public transportation! I'm just relieved he was a harmless hobo, albeit crazy and disturbing...harmless all the less. I've been through worse but I haven't heard something that messed up in a while.

What the heck did he mean? On second thought..I don't wanna know! Let me just go back to enjoying my stash of books. :D

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Disposable Camera

Yesterday I did a very random thing; I bought a disposable camera. You know, one of those 27 exposures yellow Kodak cameras that people usually buy when they go on trips and have forgotten their camera or well...I don't know what else people use them for honestly since everyone has gone digital.

Its been in my mind to buy one ever since the beginning of summer. I had cleaned out my room completely and as I was going through some old photos of mine I realized all of a sudden that I didn't have a photo of myself or my family (an actual physical photo) since 7 years ago!

We have plenty of digital photos, in fact hundreds, but because we can always easily see them on the computer and because we would have to pay money to get them printed, we've never bothered to do anything about them.

So on a whim I bought this camera yesterday. I immediately started taking photos of my brothers in the most casual and random poses. Looking back now on the pictures that I have, these are the types I like the best, when everyone is just being normal. And that's what I want to remember.

Monday, June 29, 2009


It's amazing how good I can feel after an hour on the treadmill. Even though before going on I had such a mental battle to convince myself to do it.

But I'm so tired right now, I promise I'll do it tomorrow.

Its too late to exercise its already 7 at night!

I'm not that unhealthy, surely I only have to do this once a week.

There is nothing on t.v. to entertain me while I walk, I'll be so bored!

And then even on the treadmill my mind endures another battle; when to get off!

Hey, its been 15 minutes thats enough right?

Ok lets only do half an hour, please please half an hour.

Its 45 minutes already, thats soooo long, lets get off now!

And then the strangest thing happens, once I hit a full hour I get so elated and happy and energetic that I feel like I can easily do another 30 minutes. Sometimes I lose myself in a t.v. show or commercial and look down to find that I'm already 3 or 5 minutes past an hour and I feel so surprised.

One part of me is dying to be thinner, and the other part is doing everything it can to sabotage my weight loss!

Isn't it strange how complex our minds really are?

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Friend Stealers!

Guys are such friend stealers! The thing is, they don't even mean to do it, but it happens anyways! Life is going along as usual, you work, study, read, clean, watch tv, hang out with your friends...until one day a friend stops hanging out with you as much. She doesn't call you anymore, doesn't chat with you online, and is missing from all your group hangouts.

Is she sick? Missing? On vacation? Working a lot lately?

Uhhhh...no. Shes got a "guy" (boyfriend, fiancee, etc)

THEN when she does start hanging out with you again all she can talk about is him. It no longer matters what she thinks, or says, or believes, its allll about him!

How fucking annoying!

The worst thing is that usually these guys have nothing really going for them. They don't have jobs, aren't successful, not that good looking, and treat their significant others like crap half the time.

But of course, my friends would rather have ANY guy than be without one.

I wish women could be happy living the single life until they meet the right guy, but alas...that rarely happens.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Cheap Friends

I'm in a little bit of a dilemma.

I have a friend of mine who called me up today and wanted to hang out. She had just finished cleaning out her closet and (me being the book freak I am) wanted to give me some books she no longer wanted. Of course I said yes, but I wasn't sure what to suggest for where to hang out.

You see, the thing is this friend is cheap. Very, very cheap. Just to give you an example, one time she went out with me and a couple of friends to a park. After hanging out we walked the short distance to a nearby Wahoos fish taco place to get dinner. First of all, the prices at Wahoo's are pretty reasonable in my opinion. If memory serves me right I think a burrito (a big, tasty, burrito) was a little over $5.00. Now this burrito was HUGE it was so big that several of us girls ended up sharing plates.

Anyways, despite this she absolutely INSISTED on going to a nearby McDonalds and buying her dinner from there. I wasn't embarresed or anything but just annoyed; she had enough money to buy from Wahoo's! But just because it was a little "fancier" than McDonalds (and er..what isn't?) she insisted on not getting her food from there.

So today she emails me and suggests getting Subway (I'm alright on this, its healthy) and catching a movie...but at the dollar theater (doh!).

The dollar theater....what can I say. If I was on the marketing team for the dollar theater this would be my slogan: "Hey! Do you want AIDS?! Well come one down to the dollar theater!! You might even catch some hepatitis on the side!!"

This place is sooo nasty and dirty and small and cramped that I went there ONCE years ago and vowed to never ever go there again.

So thats my dilemma. How do I suggest that we go somewhere else since I basically gave her the chose to decide where we go? I don't want to have her say to me "Oh I can't afford that place" and basically put here in an embarresing situation. (Just to clarify, its because her family is really big and doesn't have a lot of money....BUT the Wahoo's situation is still ridonkulus)

On the other hand I've considered buying the tickets and telling her I got them for free or at a deal...or I don't know. Gah!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

this blog has a purpose

This blog is for following a bunch of people here on blogspot who I find interesting.

A little about me so you don't think I'm spam or a stalker or just strange in general :P

1. I love the arts but you can't tell that from my major (I'm a Business major)

2. I love to laugh and goof around. I'm very straightforward with people and expect the same honesty back.

3. I lived all of my life in warm climates (several states in the U.S.A.)

4. My faith is important in my life but its not something I broadcast to start religious debates or convert people.

5. The title of this blog was inspired by a young relative of mine who told me in a mix of English and French "You are tres mechante!!" thus inducing me to laugh at his seriousness (I had been only joking around with him after all!) and to later on recount the story in French class during an oral presenation in which I described myself as "mechante et tres belle"

Thats it for now!