Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Disposable Camera

Yesterday I did a very random thing; I bought a disposable camera. You know, one of those 27 exposures yellow Kodak cameras that people usually buy when they go on trips and have forgotten their camera or well...I don't know what else people use them for honestly since everyone has gone digital.

Its been in my mind to buy one ever since the beginning of summer. I had cleaned out my room completely and as I was going through some old photos of mine I realized all of a sudden that I didn't have a photo of myself or my family (an actual physical photo) since 7 years ago!

We have plenty of digital photos, in fact hundreds, but because we can always easily see them on the computer and because we would have to pay money to get them printed, we've never bothered to do anything about them.

So on a whim I bought this camera yesterday. I immediately started taking photos of my brothers in the most casual and random poses. Looking back now on the pictures that I have, these are the types I like the best, when everyone is just being normal. And that's what I want to remember.


  1. I love and miss disposable ones. I actually bought a black and white one recently and had no idea that they had those. Love the background and you dear.

  2. thanks Rimyoleta

    Lisa: black and white film is amazing to work with! It really lets you concentrate on the power of your subject instead of the color
