Sunday, August 9, 2009

lovely meryl

I saw Julie & Julia today. Honestly, is there any actress today that can rival Meryl Streep? Or any actor for that matter, the woman is absolutely amazing. The movie itself was only so-so. The Julia Child storyline was far more interesting and better acted than the Julie Powell one. Stanley Tucci was amazing as he always is, he is very underappreciated in my humble opinion. I loved the clothing (especially the blue evening dress Julia wears at one point) and the food looked absolutely delicious.

After the movie I bargained with my Dad so I could get some Burger King burger shots (they're these little mini burgers that are so cute, I couldn't resist!) In exchange for my meal I made dinner for the family. It was really simple, a pan of roasted chicken with peas, potatoes, onions, and eggplant. You just chop everything up, mix it with some pepper and salt then bathe the whole thing with tomato paste and water. Delish!

Anyways back to Meryl. She was so amazing in Doubt that I couldn't resist taking stills of the movie which I hope to make into icons and wallpapers once I get Photoshop back on my comp. Her face is so expressive and she has the ability to make you truly believe she IS Julia Child! Her voice, mannerisms, everything. Absolutley bloody amazing. Julia Child herself was a force to be reckoned with, she is someone I could definately see myself being friends with if I was alive in her time. She gives me hope that I can accomplish something too and that it is not too late to do so. And a renewed appreciation for cooking, what can be better than that?

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