Monday, July 20, 2009


Today I went to grab a quick lunch in the middle of my workday. I only work 5 hours a day so I technically only have the right to a 15 minute break. This allows me enough time to get lunch but not to eat it, I have to eat it in quick bites while I'm working. (Stupid I know but in order to get a full hour lunch break I'd have to work 8 hours and um, well, no thank you).

So I was standing in line to order when I hear the door of the restaurant open and a man and a woman stepped in. I couldn't see them but I could hear them talking and instantly I told myself, wait isn't that the guy I knew...I turned around and yep, I had recognized the voice of this guy I used to have a class with THREE YEARS AGO.

I hadn't seen him or spoken to him since, isn't that amazing? I wonder how long our minds retain what certain people's voices sound like...and why?


  1. I felt the same way when I re-discovered my first kiss in 6th grade on Facebook! So fun. I think we don't easily forget voices. If I could hear my dead grandmother's again even after 20 years, I'd recall it immediately.

    I love that you work 5 hours, mashallah that's a very good schedule. Love you lots.

  2. Wow that must have been very cool! I love finding old friends on facebook too. Yeah, my schedule is ok, although I'm now wishing I had only signed up for three hours at a time, LOL. Lord knows how I'm going to survive a full workday after I finish college. :P
