Thursday, June 18, 2009

Friend Stealers!

Guys are such friend stealers! The thing is, they don't even mean to do it, but it happens anyways! Life is going along as usual, you work, study, read, clean, watch tv, hang out with your friends...until one day a friend stops hanging out with you as much. She doesn't call you anymore, doesn't chat with you online, and is missing from all your group hangouts.

Is she sick? Missing? On vacation? Working a lot lately? Shes got a "guy" (boyfriend, fiancee, etc)

THEN when she does start hanging out with you again all she can talk about is him. It no longer matters what she thinks, or says, or believes, its allll about him!

How fucking annoying!

The worst thing is that usually these guys have nothing really going for them. They don't have jobs, aren't successful, not that good looking, and treat their significant others like crap half the time.

But of course, my friends would rather have ANY guy than be without one.

I wish women could be happy living the single life until they meet the right guy, but alas...that rarely happens.


  1. Totally! My best friend just divorced this complete doofus and then decided she wanted to get back with him. He hates me since I urged her to leave and a condition to remarry was no longer corresponding with me. Now it didn't work out with him and she's calling me again. Ugh. Are we really that replaceable? Hope it gets better on your end too!

  2. "Are we really that replaceable?"

    Unfortunately sometimes yes. At least we learn who our real friends are.
