Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Something that made me smile: When I was getting my coffee this morning two men walked into the Starbucks talking and standing there looking important and professional. For some reason it just tickled me because even though they were both older gentlemen, sharply dressed, with folders under one arm and coffee in the other they suddenly seemed to me like two cute little boys trying to act serious but failing miserably.

Something that made me say WTF: Passing by the basketball court at the public park I saw a boy riding round and round on his bicycle singing at the top of his lungs "Hey, sexy Mamaa, hey sexy Mamaa" over and over again while his father chatted on his phone nearby. Ahhh, kids.

This week I started a new job. Its perfect for me really, nobody bothers me, I have my own desk, my co-workers are young and casual, and all I do is sit there and transcribe sound recordings. The downside is the office is located deep inside a dark, maze-like building on campus which is currently undergoing construction. This place is a serial killer's wet dream; its vast, dimly lit, leaky, the entire front is masked by huge curtains to hide ongoing construction from curious onlookers, and the hallway is outfitted with giant, floor to ceiling, iron poles for god knows what purpose. You couldn't run away from danger if you tried. I shudder to think.

1 comment:

  1. okay so the two men are trying to look important and serious? How so?

    and your new work place is Scary get out while your STILL BREATHING!!!
