Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Cheap Friends

I'm in a little bit of a dilemma.

I have a friend of mine who called me up today and wanted to hang out. She had just finished cleaning out her closet and (me being the book freak I am) wanted to give me some books she no longer wanted. Of course I said yes, but I wasn't sure what to suggest for where to hang out.

You see, the thing is this friend is cheap. Very, very cheap. Just to give you an example, one time she went out with me and a couple of friends to a park. After hanging out we walked the short distance to a nearby Wahoos fish taco place to get dinner. First of all, the prices at Wahoo's are pretty reasonable in my opinion. If memory serves me right I think a burrito (a big, tasty, burrito) was a little over $5.00. Now this burrito was HUGE it was so big that several of us girls ended up sharing plates.

Anyways, despite this she absolutely INSISTED on going to a nearby McDonalds and buying her dinner from there. I wasn't embarresed or anything but just annoyed; she had enough money to buy from Wahoo's! But just because it was a little "fancier" than McDonalds (and er..what isn't?) she insisted on not getting her food from there.

So today she emails me and suggests getting Subway (I'm alright on this, its healthy) and catching a movie...but at the dollar theater (doh!).

The dollar theater....what can I say. If I was on the marketing team for the dollar theater this would be my slogan: "Hey! Do you want AIDS?! Well come one down to the dollar theater!! You might even catch some hepatitis on the side!!"

This place is sooo nasty and dirty and small and cramped that I went there ONCE years ago and vowed to never ever go there again.

So thats my dilemma. How do I suggest that we go somewhere else since I basically gave her the chose to decide where we go? I don't want to have her say to me "Oh I can't afford that place" and basically put here in an embarresing situation. (Just to clarify, its because her family is really big and doesn't have a lot of money....BUT the Wahoo's situation is still ridonkulus)

On the other hand I've considered buying the tickets and telling her I got them for free or at a deal...or I don't know. Gah!


  1. It's hard to teach an old dog new tricks as the saying goes. She's been a cheapskate for a long time. I think in order to continue the friendship, you should go with the flow, but ask her to make it go both ways. One day you go see Up at the real cinema and eat at Olive Garden. And another day you go to the dollar theater and head to Subway. I think it's the only way. Either she is more broke than you think or this is a personality trait. Good luck and love this blog!

  2. I agree with your suggestion. Although now that I've gone out with her it seems that you're right about her being more broke then I initially thought which made me feel a little ashamed of my annoyance. But I guess thats life, I can't look down on her for something she can't really help. Thanks :)
