Saturday, June 6, 2009

this blog has a purpose

This blog is for following a bunch of people here on blogspot who I find interesting.

A little about me so you don't think I'm spam or a stalker or just strange in general :P

1. I love the arts but you can't tell that from my major (I'm a Business major)

2. I love to laugh and goof around. I'm very straightforward with people and expect the same honesty back.

3. I lived all of my life in warm climates (several states in the U.S.A.)

4. My faith is important in my life but its not something I broadcast to start religious debates or convert people.

5. The title of this blog was inspired by a young relative of mine who told me in a mix of English and French "You are tres mechante!!" thus inducing me to laugh at his seriousness (I had been only joking around with him after all!) and to later on recount the story in French class during an oral presenation in which I described myself as "mechante et tres belle"

Thats it for now!


  1. Hi Mechante Belle! I'm very excited to learn more about you and read you're entries. I love the background, I've been trying to figure out how to make it this color!

  2. Welcome to blogsphere sweet thing :)

    Enjoy your stay

  3. Thanks Lisa! I'm going to change the background soon though, I've seen some awesome layouts on other blogs that I'm getting jealous of :P

    And thank you His Sweetheart!
